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Lewd dragons

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Game NameLewd dragons
Original Name
Lewd dragons
Statistcs 15.3K My Rating: My Favorites Favorite!
Release Date
Creditsanimated by ilyad12
Game Tags loop furry cowgirl cross section
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Source https://www.furaffinity.net/view/30035378/
Original Description

"Ahhh......you bad guy, you're planning to rape me from a long time ago, are you?" said Yuki, the female dragon.

"Absolutely, yes. And I also want to prove for everyone that you are a lewd dragoness, that's why I choose the public place to fuck you, this park."

The dragon officer looks satisfied but seems not to want to stop at all, even though he cummed.

"No......mffffff, too big, too deep......feel so......comfy, please don't stop......and give me more cum, my big dragon~"

"That's exactly I want to see, now let's have more rounds!"

Then, next about ten hours, the lewd dragons enjoyed that may be the most comfortable mating in their lifetime, the water sound hadn't ever stopped.

In the end, no one knew who stopped mating first. But there is one thing for sure...... they are grateful that meeting such a perfect lewd playmate.

Of course, they have much time to enjoy having sex in the future, and no one could stop the blue dragon rapes more female furries......

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