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Sakura's Chrysanthemum

run by Ruffle [2024 Flash Solutions]
Game Info
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Game NameSakura's Chrysanthemum
Original Name
Sakura no Kiku (Sakura's Chrysanthemum)
Statistcs 105.3K 3.57 My Rating: My Favorites Favorite!
Release Date
Game Tags Yuru Yuri cross section cowgirl anal CG loop loli
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Source http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/mumonkan/244103/Sakura-no-Kiku-Sakuras-Chrysanthemum
Original Description

 "How to Play?"
Click the screen first and animation starts playing.
Move your cursor to upper side and you will see hidden buttons.
There is a big arrow button on upper leftmost. You need to click it or simply click the screen to to cum!
When you finised,click the big arrow button or screen to start the animation again.

"Top Buttons "
Yellow zaggy button is the button to cum slower.(about 1 sec slower than clicking the big arrow button and screen).
Push Auto button and you will cum and see her "inside" automatically,
and when you finished and push it again,it automatically hides her inside and plays the animation again.
And if you push twin arrow buttons on center, animation gets faster or slower.
Push Magnifier button to see or hide her inside.
Push Band-aid button to paste band-aid on her pussy or remove it.
Eye icon button shows or removes high light from her eyes.( It makes you feel guilty:) )

"Bottom Effects Buttons"
Move your cursor to down-left side and you will see hidden buttons.
Button labeled "O" shows or hides cables. If you think cables are annoying and wanna hide them, push the button.
Button labeled "L" adds or removes additional lighting effects.(Default OFF).
Those 2 effects are Memory and CPU intensive,especially last one.It will slow down the animation if you use old PC.

"Keyboard buttons"
Push Right arrow key,Enter key or Spacebar. Those start or replay animation.
Those keys are similar to the big arrow button.
Left arrow key shows hidden buttons always, or hides them.
Up and down arrow keys make the animation much faster or slower than twin arrrow keys on top.

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