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Naked Festival

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Game Info
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Game NameNaked Festival
Original Name
Naked Festival
Statistcs 251.9K 3.68 My Rating: My Favorites Favorite!
Author e-ohkoku
Release Date
Versionv4.3.6, English, uncensored,script hacked
Game Tags RPS dress up loli CG game undress
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Source http://www.e-ohkoku.jp/contents/yakyu_K.html
Game Description

hold "x"  into gallery mode, press space change censor mask.

Original Description

In Japan, there's a unique naughty game called "yakyu-ken." Its literal translation doesn't mean anything, and the circle would describe it as "Naked Festival."

Please enjoy this simple Rock-Paper-Scissors stripping game.

You are to play the game against a selected girl. When you win, the opponent takes off her outfit one by one.

You are the winner when you succeed in making her naked. The total number of girls are over 200!

After the match, you can change clothes of the defeated girl.

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