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MLP Hentai: Milkmare

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Game NameMLP Hentai: Milkmare
Original Name
MLP Hentai: Milkmare
Statistcs 80.0K 3.71 My Rating: My Favorites Favorite!
Author kajio
Game Tags My Little Pony simulation furry titjob POV
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Source http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/606006
Original Description

This is a hentai animation, of My Little Pony no less, so if you dislike hentai or are under the appropriate age where you live, please watch something else.
So there I was, browsing /mlp/ last night, and I come across some interesting fanfiction and some fantastic art related to this decidedly outrageous OC. Naturally I had to pull an all-nighter to make a quick little flash game with her.
There's a tumblr about her: http://milkmare-of-trotti ngham.tumblr.com/
if'n you're interested in following that.
Don't worry, the AJ short is still coming (I'm releasing it later today), and I'm pretty sure Rainbow Dash will be after that. Inspiration is a weird thing though (perhaps as evidenced by this flash), so no clue when that'll ever be.

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