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AJ Oral Hentai

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Game NameAJ Oral Hentai
Original Name
AJ Oral Hentai
Statistcs 110.9K 3.81 My Rating: My Favorites Favorite!
Author kajio
Game Tags My Little Pony simulation blowjob music furry
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Source http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/606038
Original Description

This is a hentai animation, of My Little Pony no less, so if you dislike hentai or are under the appropriate age where you live, please watch something else.

This was part of a commission to change the Rarity and Twilight animations into the same things featuring AJ. I'll be releasing the other part tomorrow (I've reached the limit of two submissions per day... is that still a thing? It used to be. Regardless, I want to touch it up a bit first)

Anyway, I hope you like it. It's kinda lacking on the vox. I couldn't find a lot that sounded good. Really hoping to get a voice actor sometime, but it's hard to find a female willing to moan for strange men over the internet (whodathunkit?)

NOTE: I am still planning on making another (I guess third at that point) AJ flash, as part of my series to make one for each of the Mane 6. Since this was commissioned, consider it a bonus for any AJ lovers. I have pretty much decided on making the RD one next, but no clue when I'll get around to that. I do have a commission that I should be starting soon for a Tifa game.

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