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Story book

run by Ruffle [2024 Flash Solutions]
Game Info
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Game NameStory book
Original Name
Story book
Statistcs 8.1K My Rating: My Favorites Favorite!
Author Flek-Lola
Release Date
Game Tags discovery CG game story loli
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Source http://illionore.deviantart.com/art/Story-book-flash-puzzle-game-545586456
Original Description

We all know the fairy tales! The Big Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood, Snow White and Rapunzel... but in Kelsey's book there's stories you haven't heard before... and Kelsey tells them in her own unmistakable way... if you can solve the puzzles on your way, however. And then, if you do, with the conclusion of the story you will get to see the 'success rate' as well as the 'final artwork', depicting the way the story ended.

Warning: contains a variety of fetish subjects. And some death and destruction... some violence... be warned. This flash file technically deals with 'fairy tales' but they are NOT meant for young players!

Note: I strongly recommend reading the story texts, because without them you may wonder what's going on and it all may not make much sense. These stories are told in parts... and there is a certain flow through them... if you read only the end and skipped the middle... well, who reads a book by only reading the first page and then the last? That makes little sense. So please do take your time to read through it before skipping forward!

And now how to play: These stories are told in three stages (on three pages, basically)... and they ask you to go through different types of puzzles along the way. These aren't typically as difficult or complex as the puzzles you have seen before elsewhere... more like a 'lite collection' of familiar puzzle types. But that doesn't mean some puzzles aren't harder to solve than others.

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