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Jen Fan

run by Ruffle [2024 Flash Solutions]
Game Info
Game NameJen Fan
Original Name
500 Watchers and 55 Jen Fans!
Statistcs 13.6K My Rating: My Favorites Favorite!
Author Flek-Lola
Release Date
Game Tags puzzle BDSM
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Source http://illionore.deviantart.com/art/500-Watchers-and-55-Jen-Fans-353093857
Original Description

1. Start the machine by moving the handle into the UP position.
2. Stop the machine by moving the handle back into the middle position.
3. Open the machine cover by moving the handle to the DOWN position.

When in down position, you can disconnect the power module (by clicking it, it moves to the left). Then you can reposition all the other modules in order to get the configuration you want. You must pay especially attention to the following:

* The lines in the middle carry power... make sure power streams from one module to the next, because if a module doesn't get power, it won't do anything!
* Wheels always have to connect from top to either the left, right or bottom wheel so mechanically the fans will get to rotate!
* There are three special connectors: addon, perk and feature. Depending on which module connects to which of the connectors the machine will do different things.

Example: leg stands for leggings. tv for television, gm for gasmask. You need to figure the rest out for yourself.

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