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H-FLASH.COM > JoSilver > The Powerpuff Girls >

Blossom's Bedroom

run by Ruffle [2024 Flash Solutions]
Game Info
Game NameBlossom's Bedroom
Original Name
Blossom's Bedroom
Statistcs 80.5K 3.97 My Rating: My Favorites Favorite!
Author JoSilver
Release Date
Game Tags The Powerpuff Girls step pose POV milkshake
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Source http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/532436
Original Description

This a small Hentai Game Featuring Blossom from the PowerPuff girls. If your under 18 or don't like Hentai or have a problem with this go away and play something else.
I wasn't originally going to upload this. It wasn't even suppose to get this big. It was suppose to be a small loop that I was probally just going to upload to 4chan or something instead. But every Idea I get Snowballs into a Massive Behemoth and I just have to say it's big enough and this is where the Snowball stopped. If your all nice and junk I'll add more. Maybe...
It sorta scared my when it finally hit me that I made a Hentai game about Blossom! But people have made far more disturbing things. I remember last I made a post last year on April fools with a list of hentai game I was going to make and the PowerPuff girls was up there (and I was kidding at the time). I promise nothing else from that list will ever be made. LOL!

Q - Change Quality. Go to Options Menu for further Graphics Options.
P - Pause, Options Menu.
Arrow keys - Move Camera.
Plus and Minus Keys or Mouse Wheel - Zoom Camera In and Out.
0,1,2,3 on the Numberpad - change Graphics settings quickly. Go to Options Menu for further Graphics Options.

Preferences - Plugin - SaveEditor
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